Now available: click fraud protection for Facebook and InstagramLearn more
Now available: click fraud protection for Facebook
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Introducing Fraud Blocker 2.0: Now with Facebook, Instagram, Performance Max and More

fraud blocker 2-0

Today we’re proud to announce our latest software upgrades and newest features 🥳. This is our largest release of the year with improvements across the board. 

This major release provides more protection against ad fraud, to save you more money, increase your conversions and maximize your efficiency. 

Also, all existing clients will receive these features automatically as part of their current plan at no additional cost 🥰.

Here’s a list of features we just released today:

Ad Protection for Facebook & Instagram

Fraud protection for Facebook and Instagram was the single most requested feature from our clients. Meta has 10 million active advertisers across their platforms and  $15 billion was lost due to ad fraud on social media platforms in 2023 so we knew this was an important feature to provide.

Today you can now sign in with your Meta Ads account on our platform and select which campaigns you’d like us to block ad fraud on. Note: this feature is currently in beta.

Expanded Protection for Google Ads

Up to this point, we provided ad fraud protection for Google’s most popular campaign types – search and display. Today we’ve expanded our services to now protect across all of their campaign types including Performance Max, Smart Shopping, YouTube and Demand Gen (formerly Discovery Ads). Learn more.

Richer IP Data

Many of our clients have asked for more details on why we gave an IP a certain score and we now provide that through a unique pop up called “IP Clarity.” Simply hover over the score for an IP address in your dashboard and these new details are shown. Learn more.

Improved Reports

We’ve added a number of new data points in our reports to help you identify which campaigns are generating the most fraudulent clicks. These include:

  • UTMs
  • Referral URLs
  • City
  • State/Region

These append our existing data that includes IP address, Operating System, Country and more.

And more new features

  • TOR dynamic tracking
  • Google Adsbot dynamic tracking
  • All-new website
  • New registration process 
  • Quarterly plans
  • More currencies
  • Minor bug fixes

We’d like to thank our entire team for their dedication and hard work in bringing these features to life. 

There’s no better time to try Fraud Blocker today with all of our new features and improvements. Start with our 7-day free trial and see how much money you can save. 


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