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Managed Placement Targeting


What is "Managed Placement Targeting"?

Managed Placement Targeting is a feature in Google Ads that allows advertisers to choose specific locations on the internet where their ads will appear.

Unlike automatic placements, where Google decides where your ads are best suited, managed placements put you in the driver’s seat, giving you control over where your ads are displayed. This precise targeting method is instrumental in enhancing ad relevance, improving click-through rates (CTRs), and driving conversions.

Benefits of Managed Placement Targeting

Better Targeting: By selecting specific sites within the GDN, you can ensure your ads are only shown to audiences interested in your offerings, increasing the likelihood of engagement.

Improves Your ROI: Focused targeting means your advertising budget is spent on placements most likely to convert, leading to better resource allocation and higher returns.

Greater Control Over Ad Placements: Managed placements offer the ability to monitor and adjust your ad strategy based on performance, allowing for real-time optimization.

How to add placements to your campaigns in Google

To implement managed placement targeting:

  1. Navigate to your Google Ads account and select the campaign you wish to modify.
  2. In the “Placements” section, choose “Edit” and then “Add Placements.
  3. Enter the URLs of the websites, apps, or videos where you want your ads to appear.

It’s crucial to monitor the performance of these placements regularly, making adjustments as needed to optimize campaign effectiveness.

Best practices for maximizing Managed Placement Targeting

Research Thoroughly: Invest time in researching potential placements to ensure they are frequented by your target audience and offer a contextually relevant environment for your ads.

Utilize Placement Exclusions: In addition to selecting where you want your ads to appear, exclude placements that have not performed well or are not suitable for your brand to refine targeting further.

Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review the performance of your managed placements. Remove underperforming sites and experiment with new placements to continually refine your strategy.

Leverage Remarketing: Combine managed placements with remarketing lists to target users who have previously interacted with your website, enhancing the likelihood of conversion.

Optimize Ad Creative: Tailor your ad creative to match the content and audience of your chosen placements for increased relevance and engagement.

Common mistakes to avoid with Managed Placements

Ignoring Placement Performance: Failing to regularly analyze and adjust based on the performance of placements leads to inefficient ad spend. Continuously monitor and refine your managed placements to ensure optimal performance.

Focusing Solely on High-Traffic Sites: High traffic doesn’t always equate to high relevance. Choose placements based on audience alignment and content relevance rather than traffic volume alone to improve engagement and conversions.

Relying Only on Managed Placements: Combining managed placements with other targeting strategies, such as demographic or interest targeting, enhances campaign reach and effectiveness. Don’t limit your approach to just one targeting method.

Neglecting Device Optimization: With the prevalence of mobile browsing, ensure your ads are optimized for all devices. This oversight can lead to poor user experiences and missed engagement opportunities.

Advanced ways to use Managed Placements

To further refine your managed placement targeting efforts, consider the following advanced strategies:

  • Use Audience Segments: Develop audiences segments based on interests and URLs related to your target market. This approach allows for even more granular targeting within chosen placements. Learn more about the 4 types of audience segments available in Google Ads.
  • Content Keywords: Use content keywords in conjunction with managed placements to ensure your ads appear on pages with content related to your specified keywords, enhancing relevance.
  • Search Competitor Placements: Identify websites where your competitors are advertising or where industry-related content is published. Placing your ads on these sites can increase visibility among your target audience.

Frequently asked questions

Which campaign types allow managed placements in Google Ads?

Managed placements are primarily available for Display Network and Video campaigns. They are not applicable for Search campaigns as these are keyword-targeted.

What should I do if my chosen placements are not generating impressions?

This is a common problem, especially for niche sites and blogs.

Remember, you’re bidding against other advertisers, so if your placements aren’t generating impressions, consider increasing your bids.

Additionally, review the targeting settings and ad creative for any limitations that could be affecting visibility. 

What bidding options do I have with managed placements?

You can choose between automatic and manual bidding strategies.

With manual bidding, you can set specific bids for each placement, giving you control over how much you’re willing to pay for ads to appear on certain sites.

Automatic bidding adjusts your bids using Google’s algorithms to try to meet your performance goals.

What's the maximum number of placements I can add to my campaigns?

It’s very high: 5 million ad group targeting items per account. This would include placements as well as keywords, audience lists, etc. You can read more here.

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